Woke up late. Been doing that more often. I got so used to being up by 7 that I stopped setting alarms. Lately I've been waking up around 9:30/10:00. Had to make a couple phone calls today. First to Amazon. My order got sent to Maija's old address. I did not realize this until about a week after I was supposed to get it. Amazon rep was pretty cool. Sent me an email for information about my order to get a refund. Got that done. Second call was to LegalZoom. I went online a few weeks ago to get an LLC for my website and business. Me, not reading all of the fine print, ended up with two $199 charges to my account. All I wanted was the LLC (which was $50) and somehow I made LegalZoom my registered agent ($199) and some compliance newsletter ($199). After speaking with three agents, I'm supposed to be getting one $199 refund for the newsletter. The other $199 I have to wait for documents from the Secretary of State regarding LegalZoom as my registered agent. Once the documents are received I have to call Secretary of State to remove LegalZoom as my registerd agent and put myself as the registered agent. Once this is done I can get my other refund of $199. This took around two hours to resolve, ugh! Had to rush out the door quick to my Pulmonology appointment. (145#) I got an order for replacement parts for my cpap. I aslo got in for a PFT same day. Had to get a covid test (requirement for PFT testing). Waited about a half hour after testing and was told to come back three hours later. They needed my covid results before testing. Went back for PFT test, which is a breathing test. Did that, then went to LeFave Pharmacy to get one of my scripts. Waited a half hour. Van wouldn't start. No click or anything, just dead. Put the van in neutral and it started. I had sent up a prayer earlier in the day that if my van was going to break down, to have it happen before my trip downstate in two days. This was a sign. Made it home. Canceled Rheumatology appointment. I peopled way too much today! Time to rest!